Make: Homemade salt scrub recipes

Seen our interview with David and Alison from the Anglesey Salt Company in the March issue of The Simple Things? They've been making Halen Mon (Welsh for Anglesey salt) for 17 years, and shared their wisdom with us. Turn to page 46 for Rachael Oakden's interview PLUS notes on salt from page 50.

Salt isn't just for cooking, though, and we've rounded up a few recipes for DIY salt scrubs for you to try.

Exfoliating salt hand scrub

An exfoliating hand scrub is just what weather-beaten paws need - try this recipe from The Kitchn.

Citrus Salt Scrub

Fresh and zingy, this citrus salt scrub from Offbeat & Inspired will wake you up.

Lavender vanilla salt scrub

After something a little more soothing? Lavender's natural relaxing properties should do the trick, with this recipe from Building our Story.

Salt and sugar scrub gift

Scrubs are simple to assemble but make great gifts. Try this set from the Gold Jellybean.

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Food on the face: natural skincare recipes

Our gardens and fridges provide skincare that’s healthier, cheaper and more natural than anything we could buy. Try these natural skincare recipes.

The beauty business is all about selling us “hope in a jar”, as Charles Revson, founder of Revlon once put it. If you’ve ever searched the cosmetic and beauty aisles of a department store, you’ll have noticed how expensive the promise of beauty, youth and freshness can be. Face masks from reputable skincare manufacturers cost up to £50 for a tiny jar; add in the price of cleansers, exfoliators, oils, serums and creams and you could spend upwards of several hundred pounds just for the privilege of plumping, de-stressing and adding some glow. Small wonder, really, that the global skin care industry is worth a staggering £25 billion per annum.

But there are plenty of natural skincare ingredients lurking in your kitchen. Try these homemade beauty recipes out for size.

Lavender Lemongrass Body Wash


Oats, rosemary and coconut oil make this body wash a culinary delight.

Recipe from Little Seed Farm.

Oat and Lavender Bath Soak

home sunburn remedy

Pick lavender flowers from the garden for this relaxing bath soak.

Recipe by Always Order Dessert.

Vanilla Sugar Body Scrub


This effective body scrub uses just four ingredients.

Recipe by Freutcake.

Turn to page 84 of September's The Simple Things for more natural skincare ideas. Buy or download your copy now.