Packing for adventure in Issue 7

Fact behind the mag: wooden boats are a daily sight on Derwent Water, part of the Keswick Launch Company, this boat (just scene) was moored on the shore close to the repair workshop for the boats.

‘Pull on your boots and see where your feet take you’

This month’s mag is all about finding adventure in the great British countryside. Inside we show you how to find the best routes, pick out the essential gear, and even cook up the perfect pocket picnic, but before we ramblers set off we have to face the somewhat dreaded task of packing, yikes. Luckily our friends at Millican have stopped by to show us how to prepare for a two day hike. Boots, waterproofs, snacks, maps, and poles all in one bag? No problem.

Dave the Rucksack from Millican on Vimeo.

The adventure continues inside Issue 7...