Making pasta: "Well worth it," says our friend Ian! Find out how to make your own in Issue 5...

Issue 5 pasta making feature Knowing that many of us have received a pasta maker as a gift, but likely never used it, we decided to share just how much delicious fun you can have by whipping up your own Italian delicacies with your friends in Issue 5 – you can take a sneaky peek at the feature in the sampler further on in this post...

Our friend Ian Robson had a bash at making his own spaghetti and ravioli, and sent us through these mouth-watering pics, with a little note about how he got on – gotta say that we LOVE his use of wooden coat hangers to dry the spaghetti on! Way to go, Ian!

Ian Robson pasta spaghetti

"Why rely upon the sauce to provide all the flavour when handmade spaghetti with the best strong flour and locally laid eggs can underpin the taste," reasons Ian. "You also get a much lighter pasta than shop-bought, dried pasta, meaning it’s great as a noodle substitute in soups, too."

Ian Robson ravioli

"Three hours to make for five minutes on the lips may not seem worth it," says Ian, "but I can assure you it was the best ravioli I’ve ever had. And as a first effort for a perfectionist, subsequent makes have reduced the time to less than an hour, with several portions made up for a couple of meals – well worth it!"

Have a sneaky peek at our pasta feature in Issue 5 below (if you're on an iPad/iPhone click here):


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